Saturday, September 12, 2009

Still Enjoying Fall's Arrival

This morning, when I opened the kitchen shutters onto the small deck, there were clouds in the sky and a faint wetness on the wood. Soon enough I'll open the shutters and see full blown rain bathing the wood and plants. I can hardly wait for winter.

This afternoon, I walked out onto the small deck and sat in the papasan chair. It was warm and sunny. Chocolate sniffed at the air, smelling which friends were out walking. I sipped my chai with a barely read newspaper at my side.

This evening, when I moved the kitchen shutters and stepped out onto the small deck to water the plants, I remembered that this is the time of year to order solar Christmas lights if I want to have them here by December.

Three years ago I balked at $100 for solar lights. Five years from now they'll have paid for themselves. Makes sense to use the sun's light to celebrate the end of shorter days and the coming of The Light.


I missed my post last night. The second glitch in my plan to blog for 30 days. I had such a full day. It was the Friday of the first week of school. After wards to the airport for a pick-up and then straight to class. The last classroom for an intense course on leadership that I've benefited from greatly. It was an ending. From there twenty steps to a different classroom where I am now coaching participants who have just started the same course I that night completed. It was 10:40pm and I knew I wouldn't be home by midnight. Committed to not missing a day, I blogged from my phone. Not an Iphone. Not a Blackberry, either. I've had a Palm for years and years and now have a Centro. I guess I shouldn't make it their fault that I couldn't get my post to post. All I know is that I pressed publish but nothing showed up and there's no draft to be found anywhere. I've decided to be OK with knowing that I did in fact blog yesterday, but that I nonetheless have an interrupted 30 days of posting.


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