Saturday, March 20, 2010

Freedom Accomplished!

Freedom!!! In August 2008 I enrolled in The Landmark Forum. I loved it!! The three-day and one evening course opened my eyes to some habitual ways of thinking and behaving that were not working for me. Of course, we already know that things aren't working, no one needs a course for that. What I got, though, were rare glimpses into the very source of the underlying assumptions that had me think a certain way and choose habitual ways of being and acting. Cool stuff!!!

I signed up for the next course, then the next and the next. Nineteen months later I have completed The Landmark Forum (3 days), The Advanced Course (3 days), Commitment Seminar (10 evenings over 12 weeks), Self Expression and Leadership Program (approx one eve a week for 3.5 months), Introduction Leaders Program (7 months), Communication: Access to Power (2 days and 1 eve), Communication: Power to Create (2 days, 1 eve) and the Sex and Intimacy Seminar (10 evenings over 13 weeks). With some overlapping others, I completed all of these within 12 months.

Worth every minute and every dollar. The people are great, the information is unlike anything you find in a regular course or seminar. And it's fun. I wouldn't do it if it weren't fun! Do I recommend them? certainly! Do I think you need them? Nope! You don't need anything except food, water and, in most climates, shelter. Everything else just enhances our quality of living.

Twelve months after I'd walked into that first course, my new love and I were completing the seven month Introduction Leaders Program. It'd been intense, fun, exciting. As with all things, all the sweeter when done with a sweetheart.

But my sweetheart says he might be a coach in the next one. I think, "Hmmph. Good for you!" Then, I figured, if we'd gotten so much out of taking the class together, maybe we'd get even if we both coached it. He invited me to join him in the adventure. I said, "Sure!" We were now both coaches in the 7-month Introduction Leaders Program. We'd do it together.

Until he wasn't.

He stopped. Things came up in his life and he made a responsible choice to stop. I continued. I'd committed. Even in those times when it occured more as commitment than fun, I created a good time around it.

That commitment ended yesterday evening. For the first time since August 2008, I am neither enrolled nor coaching any course at Landmark Education. Whew! When I walked Chocolate this morning, I breathed deeply. The air seemed crisper, more oxygenated. Probably, it was just the sweet, relaxing sensation of being unscheduled after nineteen non-stop months of courses.

What I learned during these last seven months is that while I love being a consumer of the courses, being a coach is not where I get a joy buzz. It was a privilege, an honor and full of it's own insights and breakthroughs. I have zero regrets and leave it inspired to write. I've got a short novel I've been working on almost-daily since February 22nd.

(On February 22nd I saw the energy healer from whom I received my reiki II attunement. She works with Matrix energetics now. Fantastic results.)

When I signed up with Landmark in August 2008, I was looking for a breakthrough in relationships and a breakthrough in writing. I met my honey in one of the courses, and it is, by far, the most fulfilling relationship I've been in. The communication is unbelievable and he is everything that I asked the universe to provide.

Now that writer's block is busted, I'm feeling accomplished. Complete! Free! ...and unscheduled :)

Inhale. Exhale.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


What all of us have in common is belief. We may all believe different things. But whatever we believe, we believe wholly.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Anew Love

The more I fall in love with you,
the more I am amazed by
who I get to be.
Loving you more,
I love who I see
Gazing upon you

Falling anew.
With you.
With me.

(for Steve)