Thursday, September 3, 2009

reading and writing, wondering and living

In search of something, anything to write on day 18 of 30 days of daily blogging, I visually scanned titles on six book cases that line the walls of my "pink room" aka my "study" or my guest room. The fiction totals about five of twenty-six shelves. From Dostoevsky to McMillan (How Stella Got Her Groove Back). More than half the fiction is the result of college or post-graduate reading lists or super-cheap classics. The non-fiction ranges from religion to astrology, feng shui to cooking, finances to relationships, self-help to philosophy. Surely, something there, some insight, some treasure. I just need a little inspiration!

I've never contemplated all the words, the ideas, the lies and the stories I've exposed myself to over the years. That it informs what I believe. Just as it opens me to worlds, imaginings and avenues of action, it also, inadvertently, creates unacknowledged, imperceptible limits on my imaginings.

Which makes me wonder about the written books I haven't read. All the ideas I know nothing about and the lies and the stories that are alien to my view. In some cases I've spared myself, in others I've denied myself something delicious, inviting or enhancing.

Then there are all the conversations, the tales, the advice and admonitions. All the spoken words from people, from television, from radio, from eavesdropping, from being soothed.

Woven together from all that I've read, all that I've heard, is a unique filter coloring how I see and experience my world.

All those things no one ever told me, no one ever shared. Bad advice I've been denied the pleasure of ignoring and good advice that isn't adding more variety, spice, joy or love to my life.

It's worth considering that our world is built from the blocks of what we see and hear, what we read and listen. And after all that consideration, in the end...I have the books I have. I heard the things I've heard. I've lived the life I've lived.

And all that I've read and heard and lived tells me I can create whatever I want tomorrow.

I'm creating adventure.
Funny, I don't own a lot of lot adventure books. I lived it, but rarely taken time to read someone else's version of it.

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