Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Winter Wind's Kiss

A cloudy evening walk with Chocolate through the neighborhood. As usual, I was also on the phone. As usual, talking with my buddy Gilbert.

"I have to stop. I can't move. I have to just be with something right now. Something's calling me."

I stood at the corner of a nearby street transfixed by the path. I stared down the sidewalk. There was no one walking, no cars driving. The only movement were leaves. The wind gently but with great intention, blew through them. It reminded me of scenes shown over and over and over during a particularly bad hurricane. e

The trees weren't bent over and the sound of rustling more melodic than foreboding. It only seemed alarming because of the contrast to five months of stillness.

It was winter wind's first hello. I had to stop and experience it, enjoy it. The light gray sky was a perfect nondescript background to winter whispering its coming.

Flashes of cold walks, falling rain and long, cozy evenings came over me.

All lovers should greet with such a captivating kiss.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Roots: ling qi, reiki

I love research. I like discovering what others take for granted. More so, I enjoy finding the overlooked connections that explain what others have glossed over in an attempt to avoid uncomfortable uncertainty.

Ready to take on Reiki as an enterprise, I've been diving into it for a thorough understanding. There's a spiritual element to it. What's that about? When I tell a Christian that Reiki is a complement to any faith or no faith, I need to know what allows me to say so.

Without too much effort, I've learned that Reiki came to Japan via China and that it is most likely related to ling qi. In fact, I'm very comfortable asserting that this is highly probable.

So then, how did the Chinese get it? I love Ecclesiastes' refrain that there is "nothing new under the sun". So then, what was reiki before it was ling qi? Of course, there are many who point to the Egyptians. Yummy. More research.