Monday, August 17, 2009

The Thirty Days Experiment

What would it look like if I stopped worrying about what it looked like? What if instead of waiting till I had time to make it all sound just so or waiting till I felt I had something profoundly insightful to share, I simply shared? It'd look like the next 30 blogs.

I turn 43 in a few days. Forty-two was a great year, but I expect 43 to be even better. Of all the things that have happened during my 42nd trip around the sun, my favorite is moving from I to E. I took my first personality test in high school and consistently tested as an introvert. A few months ago I took the Jung-Enneagram test at and was surprised to see an "E" where an "I" had always been. ENTP--Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking and Perceiving. I wasn't expecting that!

I'll be completing my eighth course with Landmark Education shortly. August 15th was the 1-year anniversary of taking the initial course--The Landmark Forum. What'd I get from all those classes?

When I started:
*I'd just taken on dating with purpose but mostly dismissed anyone I went out with after the first date unless they were quicker and dismissed me first.
*I showed up late most places.
*I rarely accepted without anxiety invitations to social gatherings.
*As much as I enjoy teaching, I spent a lot of energy analyzing how the school wasn't run properly, other teachers were too this or too that and the students didn't know how to do school.
*And even as I recognized that I had a gift for energy healing and work with crystals, only passed on Reiki as a healing tool to two people.

In this year, I created my ideal mate and allowed this relationship to flourish in new ways with ease and joy. I'm not yet someone who shows up early, but I am more likely to be only five minutes late if I'm late at all. I've signed up for a photography course that begins next week, something I've always wanted to do.

Of course, their's plenty that I thought I'd do while 43, but didn't. In October I repromised to myself that I'd get my finances on Quicken and use it religiously. Didn't! I'm taking that on again this week. I'll let you know how it goes.

I also planned to write my Luzca book, but haven't done much with it in five months. The almost-funny thing is that when I signed up for The Landmark Forum last August, it was to help me get my book written. In time, perhaps. In half the classes, I say I'm going to use what I learn to help me produce more writing...and then I transform some other area in my life.

They say a writer's home is never as clean as when they have to write. The prospect of writing this past year was incentive to work on everything else, transforming all hidden parts of my soul and spirit. Maybe that's as it should be.

Another blessing I'm celebrating on this anniversary of taking The Landmark Forum is the peace I now take with me everywhere, in every situation. Events, situation or people no longer cause me anxiety from my distaste of being an imperfect creature. I say yes to invitations effortlessly and easily, no worries about doing it wrong or being judged. That single result alone is priceless.

Here's my current fave: I am now a teaching Reiki Master. A few days ago I accepted my first paying client. A year ago I'd only passed Reiki energy healing along to my mother and a close friend who is also an acupuncturist and massage therapist. Now, I've attuned a dozen friends and family and am committing to taking it on as a business. For some crazy reason, I didn't want to charge anyone. Nevermind I found it valuable enough to spend money on getting reiki, I had some block around charging others. Considering the results I get from it, seems silly. Sure, at first glance, there's an admirable quality to not charging others if I don't need the income per se. But it also means I've no incentive to truly develop and share this remarkable tool for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Plus, there's something to be said for assigning value and having people exchange a representative amount of energy for what they receive. As great as the results I gained from Landmark, Reiki is what had me get off a variety of medications, heal unworkable patterns and drop 25 of the thirty pounds I lost over the last couple years. The results I gained in Landmark were atop the foundation of being energetically balanced.

Now I am ready to pass the gift of balanced energy and healing along to others in the form of classes for Reiki I, II and III. I'm working on the workbook I'll use and give to clients and creating a website.

I'm so excited.

Mmmmmmmm. Picture me stopping by God's office, peaking in with a smile from the doorway. "You were right, it is fun. Guess I got a little anxious there in my late twenties...Sure, 43 more sounds amazing!"

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