Thursday, August 20, 2009

Music Again

I'm enjoying The Police's "Don't Stand So Close To Me" for the first time in months. Hate that I had to give away my tickets to their reunion concert a couple years back. Although, considering there was no clamor for an extended or second tour, I guess it's just as well that I enjoy the oozing sexual tension from their digitized youth.

"You know how bad girls get..."

I'll probably play it five or six times before I move on to "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da".** (Greatest Hits CD)

Two, ok maybe three years ago, I bought a mega-MP3 so I could store all my ancient music in one convenient place and ditch the five-CD changer that makes rather loud clicking sounds when it switches from one CD to the next. A few months ago the smaller version I take with me on my walks was dropped in mud or water, muddy water I suppose.

You know how some folks will go to the refrigerator every couple hours or so to see if there's anything good to eat? No one's gone shopping, nothing's been added or taken away, and yet there's a return every few hours to see if there's something newly appealing or interesting in there after all. And then on the third or fourth opening and closing, the sighs begin to get audible, maybe a curse word or two lamenting that nothing has magically appeared. I do that sometimes.

Over the last few months I've plugged in the small MP3, charged it up and tried to turn it on. I did it a couple months ago and again today. When charging didn't do much, I tried wiping off the lingering muddy water streaks. Kinda like trying to wash death out and life in or applying electric shock to a corpse days after death has visited and gone.

I haven't walked with music all summer and today was to be the day. Fall is in the air and four additional pounds on my body. I love walking at dusk when the sun makes its way further south during the fall. I take the winter off and then back out in the spring when the sun comes back to kiss the wet away.

Glorious incentive! I charged up the dusty new mega MP3, loaded the software, transferred the 557 musical files and four hours later I sit here disturbing the silence with my sing-alongs.

Feels so good to use what I've purchased, I'm planning to reload my router's software so that I can free myself from the data-ready phone line in the back room.

A perfect early fall evening...come home from work, walk chocolate, drop him back at home and then give myself an extended walk with music and then settle in at the desk surfing and writing...and disturbing the silence with my singing.

** my favorite lines from De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da
Poets, priests and politicians
Have words to thank for their positions
Words that scream for your submission
And no-one's jamming their transmission
And when their eloquence escapes you
Their logic ties you up and rapes you

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