Friday, August 28, 2009

Old recipes with Love

This year is the year of reinventing Rahbin. True, it's lifelong, ongoing and incessant, but last year and the view of this one coming are immeasurably new and exciting. Along with taking on photography and reiki as a business, I'm also exploring my creative expression through cooking.

A few weeks ago, I was struggling to come up with something different to cook for my sweetheart and I before a class. Having lived on my own for so long, I fell into the lazy habit of making healthful, affordable choices at eateries or relying on processed food warmed up. After combing through old memories of meals I'd made in the past, I remembered a recipe for a simple curry-flavored dish of ground beef and vegetables over rice.

The recipe comes from an old paper recipe book of my mother's, held together by three wire pieces that resemble stapes, but are circular. How I loved the recipe for bean soup as a child. I called my mom and she gladly read the recipe for kima (keema) over the phone. It was delicious and well received.

When I asked to borrow it for copying, there was hesitation. The pages are brown and some are on the way to crumbling in the hands. I promised to be gentle.

This morning, I took the pages to a local office supply store and made two sets of copies. It seemed logical to give my mom a more usable copy as well. I'm cooking, taking photographs and sharing reiki.

A reinvented Rahbin!

Midlife is fabulous!

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