Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Givin' it up

I was thinking about the time of year that it is...lent, passover, easter and all. Realizing that I gave my meds up in this period. Was it the first day of spring? Oh my...just did a google and calendar check...The first day of spring was wed 3/21. I took my Reiki II on Thursday 3/22.

I thought I was just giving up my prescriptions. Let's just say that my body has a pretty clear disinterest in prescribed, over-the-counter...and others. Even alcohol. Don't get me wrong, I've had a glass of wine, or two, since. But the thrill is gone. When I wake up I can feel it. I can't be sure, but I suspect my prescribed med kept the tired, dragging effect of drinking from being felt. I feel it now. There have been exactly two occasions when I had a glass of red wine at night and then went to work the next day.

Both times were just so not pretty. My usual ability to sail through lectures by just glancing at the topic I'm teaching for the day evidently stays home to catch up on a little more rest. My body is there, but my mind is fumbling along. To the point of being embarrassing. On one of the occasions, I had drawn a graph to explain a concept and, though I'd done it right, I just couldn't explain it very well. I've taught this topic more than a dozen times just in the past few years.

Drinking loses its appeal if you have to pay as you go. I hadn't had to pay as I went for years. Not like that. I'm glad for the hassle it brings.

I guess when I prayed to lose a little weight, God took me at my word. I didn't realize he was gonna require my involvement, require me to change bad habits. Good thing I didn't know better when I asked. I'd probably have chickened out from all the fears.

Wow...This Sunday is the date of the resurrection. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I mean


Can't wait!

Tonight I heard my body say, stop already with the projects, the ideas, the reading, the studying, the this and the that.

Relax. It's OK. Watch a movie. You've been non-stop for quite a while. I made a couple of bracelets for a couple of students. One reminded me I'd agreed/offered (can't remember) months ago. Another was there and wanted one too. I've been moving furniture around. Found a book of Shakespeare sonnets I'd bought years ago and can't wait to read 'em. Been reading up on my astrology--the houses and all the stuff that I couldn't focus on before--neither before drugs nor on them. But now...just right.

So, now that I've left this update. This hello to my lone reader.

Time to chill in front of the tube...

Or maybe just go to bed a little early. I really have been on the go quite a bit of late.

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