Friday, April 6, 2007

Finally...A Passion

My current passion is healing therapies. I've completed Reiki I and II. Next month I complete Reiki III and become a Reiki Master.

( for more info.)

I've had the pleasure of doing a few Reiki sessions on friends and family. Nothing earth shattering to report. I can state unequivocally, as I have in earlier blogs, that I believe it played an important role in giving up my desires for unhealthful substances of all kinds.

In a week's time I will be adding another healing modality to my repertoire. On a recent visit to my chiropractor I shared my Reiki status and the positive effects I've experienced with it thus far. He told me something I'd heard on other occasions from those who work with alternative healing techniques: That, while Reiki is certainly a useful healing tool that is available to just about anyone with an interest, there are others. Many others. In fact, in the alternative healing circles, basic Reiki is considered a rather entry level energy healing tool.

He went on to relate an experience he'd had with a woman who performed a Pranic Healing session on him. The gist of the story is that she offered, he went in, she did her thing, and he walked out the door certain it had been a waste of time, money and energy. On the way down the stairs the presenting condition for which she'd offered help cleared up before he'd made it from the second floor to the ground. Without giving unnecessary details or being too gross, the pus-containing areas spontaneously burst open and the goo was gone. All of this without touching him.

Next weekend I'll be taking the first level of Pranic Healing. ( Like Reiki it can be done hands-on or without touch, and can be done in-person or remotely. My basic understanding is that while Reiki brings energy into the body, Pranic healing incorporates tools to cleanse out the energetic body. Think of when you have a glass full of dirty water and you let clean water run through it. Addition of the clean water eventually cleanses out the entire glass. Over time, you get a glass of fairly clean water. That's akin to how sending Reiki energy to a client works.

Using the same metaphor, Pranic healing would be actually cleaning the glass out before you pour in the clean water.

What I'm learning as I explore this fascinating area of alternative, vibrational and energetic healing systems is that the more of them you learn, the more tools you have to get the job done.

My buddy who makes awesome art projects always amazes me with what he can do with fabric, color...actually, pretty much any old thing. It doesn't matter what you give him he can make it beautiful. Believe when I say I've tested him on this.

It's similar to the way a great chef cooks. It doesn't matter what meager ingredients are available to a great chef, she adds a pinch of this, a dash of that, cooked just so and served such a way. Voila. Cooks become great chef's through great practice. They train here, apprentice there and practice, practice, practice.

Somehow I almost always manage to forget when I am in awe of my buddy's artwork that he was an art major in college. More than that, he grew up experimenting with art. And, of course, he is constantly, constantly practicing, honing his craft.

That's what I'm doing with energetic healing techniques. I want to gather knowledge and experience on as many modalities and techniques as I possibly can.

At the onset, I called energy healing my "current passion." I've known me all my life. This one feels more like a passion than a fad or a hobby. Only time will tell for sure.

What's different here, though, is the way this current interest so completely and thoroughly resonates with my life interest in personal improvement and spiritual development. I can't deny the benefits of working with my crystals, for example. I was experiencing regular and intense hot flashes through last summer. I bought a particular crystal that was indicated as useful for balancing hormones.

The crystals quite literally tell me which combinations to use, where, how, and for how long. Following their lead I did a combination for my hot flashes. Haven't had any since. Periodically I hold that same crystal for "maintenance."

At this point, I just let the crystals direct me and then look up what they are commonly associated with after the fact. EACH time, after I've followed the(ir) intuitive urgings, I cross check several sources for the crystals I've just finished working with and find that they were the perfect choice for the issue I was addressing. On several occasions, I don't even have an "issue" in mind, but am just lead to pick one, two or more up to meditate with and then receive an insight I didn't even know I was looking for, but which ends up being entirely useful to the day's objective.

They are simply amazing.

I absolutely adore this area of study and practice. Mostly, my interest is in self-healing and the healing of interested (willing) friends and family. Presently, I don't see myself becoming a "healer" in the sense of opening an office and taking on clients, so much as I see myself working toward developing a clear insight into the interrelatedness of this area.

I'm a teacher. That's what I do. It's what I love. Teacher's study first and then offer their understanding to those who want to learn what they've so far mastered. I definitely see myself becoming an instructor of some portion of such techniques. Perhaps even developing something new within these areas. What I don't see myself doing is putting up a shingle.

If all I ever did was learn these techniques and use them to assist friends and family, that would be extremely satisfying. Of course, being me, I have dreamy aspirations of discovering something new to add to what is already known.

Like I said, though, improving myself and assisting friends and family...that would be Heaven on Earth.

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