Sunday, April 13, 2008

Topsy Turvy

It's been seven days since I re-attuned to Reiki Master. With all the healing and clearing I'd done after the first series through Usui Reiki, I somehow deluded myself into thinking that this would be a cake walk, that the cleansing process wouldn't be intense.

What surprises me is how deep we can go into cleaning out the cobwebs of outdated thinking. I guess the first round was like taking a duster and taking off all the obvious dirt. This one feels more like taking a damp cloth and a wee bit of pressure to the surface, getting down into nooks and crannies. Even this isn't the deepest level. Stripping down the old varnish to reveal the natural beauty of the God-made material before putting on a fresh protective and attractive coating to highlight and enhance that natural beauty.

I look back and can see how the universe was helping me prepare. A couple weeks prior I felt the urge to clear out a bunch of old energies. My jar of change broke from the weight of the change that I'd let stay in there for years. All that stagnant energy. It needed to recirculate. It broke on the day I treated my home to a thorough cleaning. Even the windows, inside and outside. I knew that I was doing so because I was ready to see my life more clearly.

I've got new motivation to complete the Luzca book. All indications are that it is a life mission task and not to be dropped.

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