Sunday, January 27, 2008

Delving into Her, Mother Earth

I had an amazing meditation yesterday. I felt myself dive right into earth, feel her and know her. (I detail which crystals were involved and the source of the meditation at the end--last two paragraphs.)

Southern California has just experienced a couple storms that brought lots of snow to surprisingly low levels in the nearby mountains. And, so Southern California, it was a perfect day to have the top down on the convertible to see the snow-capped mountains all the better as I drove around. Such a site is a rare treat here.

Their awe-inspiring beauty is probably the reason that during the meditation I was moved to try and place my consciousness within the mountains that are to the North of Los Angeles. And that started the incredible astral journey through the earth's inner planes.

I felt myself inside the cold inner core of the mountains, mixed in with the minerals, pressed within layers of rock and stone. With my affinity for the mineral kingdom's crystals and gems well-established, I found the experience refreshing. It was blissful to feel myself one with the mountain's guts.

From there I felt invited, perhaps called, not to stop with the mountains. My consciousness dove deep into the ocean. The spirit of a group of whales refered me to a few gems found on the ocean's floor, unique varieties still unknown to man. Their role as caretakers becomes clearer as I reflect on what was revealed to me in that visit. My astral floated alongside a few of them and then darted away to mingle with a colorful variety of fish. Imagine actually feeling the sensation of being thousands of feet below the ocean's surface, but without the pressure of the water's weight since you are there in consciousness only, your body comfortably above sea level in warm clothes in a warm home. Fascinating travels.

The best part of the ride though, was going to the earth's core. If you are inclined to think I'm crazy, you hardly need more proof, so I have no reason to fear telling you what I believe I experienced in placing my mind's eye there, my astal body right in the hot, molten center of this huge floating rock whose surface we crawl about upright, calling it earth.

There were beings there. They seemed to be about the business of tending to the earth's core fire. What was there job? I can't say. But whatever it was, they were enthusiastically busy being about it. They were huge if my perception was at all relative to my human perspective. If I were guessing, 10 - 20 ft seems right. I anticipate being thought a bit crazy by some. These being moved the way fire dances. Their shapes amorphous, but tall and lean. In fact, from a strictly visual perspective, they were nothing more than fire. But it was undeniable to me that they considered themselves to be working, to be engaged in some critical role that kees our planet alive.

Did that really happen?

I wonder what would happen if a skin cell from the top of a hand suddenly wonderd and then decided to wander about the larger world on which it was a part. Suppose this skin cell managed to find a way to "see" and "feel" to "travel" the body, it's earth. It communes with a liver cell, a blood cell, a stomach cell? What if she traveled in her mind's eye outside her humble plasma and sat herself, her limited consciousness, square inside the beating heart that pumped the river that it brought it's nourishment, a witness to the massive, powerful activity of rhythmic drumming.

When she returned to her "right" mind, her humble world, her plasma cell, would fellow cells believe her tale? Would they dare to imagine or conceive that such a thing exists? "Come now, we've heard of bones and some river of life that supports cells like us all over this massive moving being, but foolish child, you say you witnessed creatures of all types and purposes down in the core of this being which believed they had important jobs to do? Something that beats rhythmically with a power unimaginable to us?"

But since when can a skin cell shift her consciousness to the rest of the body? How could she possibly know what is happening anywhere else in the gigantic organism of which she is an infinitesimal and fleeting part?

Speaking of gigantic organisms...the earth does indeed have a heartbeat. A network of seismographs recorded the sounds of the planet sped up at a rate of 4 minutes equals 1 second. Check it out.

Anyway...that meditation was incredible. Every piece of our planet having it's own consciouness and purpose and open to being visited...and appreciated.

For readers who appreciate the influence of crystals, I was in a triangular grid of three Moqui Balls and had a small blue flourite double tetrahedron. I held the blue flourite under my tongue for several minutes at the beginning of the meditation and then sat it between my crossed legs during remainder of meditation.

The meditation is part of the 42-day program I've mentioned previously. That program comes from a book entitled Abundance Through Reiki (Paula Horan). Simplified, it is two sets of 21 day programs. Each set is comprised of repeating three times a seven day cycle of meditations attuned to each of the seven major chakras. I was in day 21, working on the crown chakra, "feeling fully how much (I) desire enlightenment; how much (I) want to become one with it."

1 comment:

  1. OMG... this is totally unbelievable!

    I just read this post... and a few hours ago... oh ok then , I'll be honest... when I was in my bathroom (that's where I get most of my blog inspirations, & I don't even get around to posting more than 90% of them!)... I had been thinking along more or less the same lines!

    I mean not about taking a trip into the inner realms of our beautiful planet... but something related to this "feeling" I have been getting since early December... that Earth is very much alive... and very much linked to us... and very much capable of feeling pain...

    I was thinking of putting in in my blog one of these days... but was wondering if I would just shock my readers or "scare them off" u know! :p Well, finally decided I'll just go ahead with it... come what may! :D

    Thanks for leaving tht tip abt the crystals... I know abt the fluorite, but never heard of Moqui till today! Hey u know what... I'll mail u a couple of pics of my crystals...
