Saturday, May 12, 2007

Shaman Stone Dreams

Though I primarily buy my gems and stones at collector's faires these days, I still occasionally visit a booth at a local farmer's market operated by a spirit-centered and friendly couple. For a while, at the beginning, I would go almost weekly. As I exhausted the items in their inventory that I had an interest in, I now return only every so often to check out the new stuff. Amazingly, I automatically head to the new stuff. While I can't claim to recognize each piece visually, I do recognize them energetically on some level.

I shared my new Reiki attunements with them toward the end of our visit. The husband casually asked, "You have your Shaman Stones already then..." Now sure, there's sales involved in the question. It is, afterall, their business to sell their wares. However, there was also true interest in aiding my spiritual growth and practice.

"NO...Shaman Stones?" The wife proudly beams as she hands me two, explaining that I should put everything down--wallet, purchases, keys--and just hold them to feel the energy. There was no explanation as to what I should expect.

Within just a literal few seconds, I felt my entire spine begin to shift. It's a feeling I'm familiar with now. My chakras were being aligned. I have a couple stones that do this for me. Actually quite a few of them can do this or something similar either automatically or when directed. These stones, Moqui balls, did it nearly instantaneously and rather forcefully I might add. Not forceful to the point of discomfort, but there was no way you could mistake what was happening or how.

I intuitively bought three. I'd guess they're a ma, pa and kid. When I got home I took pa out immediately. I carried him around most of the day, even around the house. The comfort, the perfect connection, is incredibly strong.

When I awoke this morning I recalled having had new and amazing dreams.

--The most recent before awakening was me performing various healings. Considering how insistent I am that I don't desire to put up a shingle, it goes without saying that last night was the first I dreamt of actually performing healing sessions on folks I don't know. I'll add that my "studio" was adjacent to my home. Oddly this fits a scenario I've often imagined but had let go. I had imagined having a downtown loft with a first floor studio. (I prefer to call it a studio to an office.)

Another idea was my dream beachfront city, an oceanfront home on a cliff, with a healing studio on the first floor with a side entrance. Right now, it makes sense that the location would be oceanfront. The roar and pounding of the sea against the cliffs would be a natural source of energy cleansing to keep released negative energies from hanging around. At the end of each day I could send them into the sea to disperse them...and perhaps offer an opportunity to reverse themselves.

That's the dream. Right there. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh.

But back to last night's stuff.

When I got up this morning I thought about the irony of dreaming of actually performing healings--in the dream I had three clients in a row. My hesitation to handle strangers creeped into my consciousness. And just as released crap from my body, I was able to release crap from my mind. I don't have to have the experiences I don't want to have with clients. I don't want to hear people's lies, drama and nonsense. I don't want to have that many impure mental/emotional interactions each day.

In the dream, I had done two healings, no problems. Then a third guy came in. Super tall skinny blonde guy. When I mentioned it taking two hours, he didn't have it. He could do an hour. Suddenly, in the dream, I was going through my house getting towels, sprayers and salt water. He was going to need Pranic Healing instead of Reiki. As I went through my house gathering these materials in the dream, I kept wondering why I hadn't had them already ready. Had I done the two prior healings without the proper accompaniments?

Back to my conscious consideration of doing energy healings...I remembered that I do best when I think least. Especially when it comes to healings. My crystals tell me which combinations to use them in. Whenever I look the combination up after the healing, I am almost more than stunned, amazed and shocked at how spot on the choices. Same with healings. I don't plan ahead cognitively when I do a Reiki or a Pranic to utilize my crystals. What happens is I decide to do a healing, then I am lead to either Reiki or Pranic, then the crystals who want to be involved call out to me. While performing the healing, the crystals then direct me at just the right time what to do with them. Sometimes they just sit under my chair collecting negative energies. Othertimes they sit in a particular configuration. At others, one or two choose to become more actively involved and my arms become their arms and they direct the movements and positions.

So I don't have to do impure conversations that are full of defenses, ego's, cover-ups and misrepresentations. For the most part the aloud conversations will be minimal. My higher self will communicate with their higher self and whatever I can and should do will get done.


The other dreams I had can really be summed up as one big one. I had a new daddy. This daddy had a whole bunch of kids. Seems like I recall them all being female. We were each his favorite. And we each knew we were his favorite. And we each knew we were each his favorite.

The one part that I want to share of the particulars is a trip we took to an ancient site. It was a museum built around an underground or cave site. This site was revered and included much spiritual wisdom on walls. It was in a white marble step formation. There were not huge crowds, I recall. There were others there besides my dad and my sisters, but not to many. It was the former site of highly spiritual beings of more than 100 million years past.

And this is the dream I had after holding my Moqui balls, so-called Shaman stones, all day. And the next dream held the clue to becoming a practicing spiritual healer. It was my first dream as a healer.

I should add that last night I experienced a desire for so many of the things I am currently fasting until my Reiki Master attunement next weekend. I acknowledged the desire and made a firm decision that I could have as much of what is allowed as I want to substitute whatever comfort I thought I'd find in the no-no's. And yes, I had half-a-bag of popcorn and some rice dream dessert...Had I not been committed to my fasts, perhaps none of those inspiration-filled dreams would have had happened. Did I say perhaps. Of course, they wouldn't have happened.

1 comment:

  1. Thanx for the link to your blog! Your use of language is very vivid and lucid so one can really share..
    ..Your dream about the sacred site! I have a place that I visit regularly in my dreams, similar to the place you described. It is an ancient sacred site, a mound with a couple of ruins, quite high up, but on the same site near the ruins is a large cathedral with a museum, and a grotto with ancient writings and art. There is also a crypt under the cathedral, which I long to go into but everytime I go there I wake up.
    Twice I took part in ceremonies there - once some years ago I was dressed in tartan (I have scottish ancestry) and I was with a group of women dressed the same, all carrying trays of candles of different colours. we were going two by two to the altar.
    Second time - a year ago I dreamt I was dressed in gold sitting in the pew under a gold canopy. This was just before I recieved my first healing symbol.
    Perhaps this sacred place is actually a school of some kind on the astral plane, where knowledge and initiations are given BEFORE they happen in the 3rd dimension?
    Love and light
