Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Helllllllooooooooooooo. Been a while since I posted. School is out next Friday. Yeaaaaaaaaah!!!!! Then there's more time. I'll be back online posting. I might even clear my inbox on all my email accounts down to zero. Might??? I WILL!!! I'm giddy with anticipation for a summer spent walking, chilling in my new infrared sauna and continuing to participate in Landmark Education programs. Me and my new honey are taking a couple of them together. More about that coming when I have more time to write. Wanted to share this email. It's verbatim as I sent it. It was to the members of one of the courses I'm taking about a breakthrough I had after we did our third weekend together--25 of the 150 or so that shared the third of four weekends spread out over 6 months. I'll be back

I said, “Good Morning.”
After a pause and faint gasp, the voice on the other end of the phone
responded with “You sound like God’s receptionist!”

That’s how the conversation with my buddy of 17 years started when I
called this morning on my way to work. He was the first person to hear
my voice the morning after disappearing BEING a failure.
We’ve talked almost every day since 1993 after a year or so of warming
up to one another. Sometimes it’s only five or ten minutes. Aside from
the times when either of us are on vacation, we must have a running
average of at least an hour a day…17 years of hearing my voice. He’s
heard my highs, my lows, my insights and my insanity. In fact, he knows
my voice so well, he can practically tell me what I’ve just eaten, whom
I’ve just spoken with or what I’d been doing from the first words I
speak over the phone. He’s off-the-charts intuitive, insightful and
colorfully articulate. He has me at hello.

The morning after the third weekend, after only “Good morning,” he heard
a new calm, a new peace, a new level of confidence and power that
inspired “You sound like God’s receptionist!” He likes to describe
things. Just in “Good Morning” he claims to have heard an “absence of
jibber jabber”. He’s the kind of person who hates when someone answers
“Fine” and hates more people who idly ask “How are you?” without
genuine interest.

Whatever we did this weekend caused how I occurred for him, down to the
timber and tone of my voice to shift.

That’s pretty doggone huge. I had asked several of you if you could
take my assisting agreement this evening. I have a scheduling conflict.

The conflict left me up-in-the-air and I was starting to be in this
space where there is confusion, anxiety and failure. Sometime last
night, things got clear. What I have is a prior commitment and a new
commitment. Being only one body, I’ll only be able to do one. There’s
no being failure. There’s only failure to be at one of the two places.
There was nothing left to do except perform. In this case performance
shows up as either successfully finding someone who will switch
agreements this week or making alternative arrangements for the new
commitment. I'm one person with demands to be in two places. There’s no confusion. I won't be at one or the other. A breakdown in performance.

That was last night.

This morning I sound like the kind of being who could handle the
incoming calls of angels, archangels, saints, spirits and human souls to boot.

1 comment:

  1. I just got a new Infrared Sauna too. It has really helped me shed the lbs. Surprisingly already lost 8 lbs in 2 weeks.
