Monday, June 11, 2007

So That's What I Love about the Caribbean

I was reading up on a crystal I bought for a friend. It referenced "the many mansions in the house of spirit." (The Book of Stones on pietersite). While holding it I thought about this and I felt like I was there.

It was an ocean front room at sunset, the sky in an uncommon and calmly vibrant variety of orange, purple and brown hues and colors interspersed with sky blue. Amazingly beautiful and serene. The wall facing out to the sea was missing, open air style. Well, actually, it was a variant of the spot I'll be inhabiting next week in Barbados.

And it felt like I was Heaven. "In My Father's house are many mansions." If I had to guess, my room in my Father's house is like my ideal Caribbean room. I miss home. I try to go back to visit as often as I can. If your room, suite or guest house in God's many mansions were a place on earth, where would yours be?

While I spent some time in my Heavenly room, I thought about what's been on my mind a lot lately. What do I want to do with the rest of my life? OK, trite and cliche, I know. I enjoy my job a great deal and it pays well. So much so that I worry that my love of security is keeping me from something I'd enjoy more.

While in my room, I asked myself what would truly bring me joy to do on earth. The answer was surprisingly quick. I'd give parent workshops on education. The thing I'm doing now in my spare time. The thing I wrote a book about to give me credibility.

Why do I run here and there looking for something else? This might be a good time to note the selenite wand I purchased Friday. I didn't wonder why it was that suddenly on Saturday morning I woke up wondering about my life's work. I just did. I called a friend first thing in the morning and we were gung-ho on becoming life coaches. Then, and only then, we'd go into workshops. This friend and I banter back and forth year after year on new ideas for our next great career move or entrepreneurial venture. And year after year we add a few speaking engagements and then settle back into our usual routines.

Every idea, every move and every venture always culminates in speaking to groups. Small groups, workshops mostly. In fact, she and I met while advising students. We didn't really begin to click until we started doing our separate speaking engagements and talked about our successes and challenges. Within a few months we were doing joint workshops...or sitting on each other's.

Back to my room in my mansion...
When I got the quick answer that I'd give workshops, my room was suddenly filled with other light beings. They were fellow soul sojourners offering their support. Prospective parents from future workshops who were letting me know that, indeed, doing that work was much needed.

The difference their presence made was in reminding me that they don't need another expert on the educational system, they need the part of me that takes the time to explain it and who cares from a heartful place about supporting their challenge of raising their children. Not that it was to be about parenting advice. Just someone who actually understands the hassle and challenge they face in trying to do the right thing when dealing with the educational system.

My unique gift. My book is OK. But the place where I get an energy kickback and where I get the greatest positive feedback is when I am speaking to parents, answering their questions.

(Sorry so rough. I'll edit later and re-publish.)

Bottom line (long day, long night)...In that peaceful and supportive place that felt like my room in Heaven, I was able to appreciate that other souls are waiting for me to actually DO my life's purpose, to live it. And that my life's purpose is what I'm already doing, there's just room for me to commit to it. Most important, I can finally get over my book. It was meant to enhance a prospective speaking career, but it has instead gotten in the way of me doing what I'm good at, what I'm called to do, as I focused on income streams and how the experts say it is supposed to be done.

From The Book of Stones on Selenite:
"Selenite can lift one's awareness to higher planes of inner experience, making it possible for one to consciously meet one's spirit guides and guardian angels. It facilitates the experience of receiving advice and information from one's guides in the form of "interior motives."

Makes more sense that the light beings were spirit guides than prospective parents.

"In such experiences, one closes one's eyes in meditation while lying with a Selenite wand resting on the heart chakra and pointing toward the head...As one moves into the meditative state, one is likely to see one or more guides, often in the form that symbolize something about the message. The guide or guides will take one through a 'story' that reveals the message symbolically. Words are seldom used, which makes the guides' job much easier. One might say that when Selenite opens the inner eye, the spiritual world enters."

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