Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Master Key

The newest thing in self-improvement in the U.S. is The Secret. Even Oprah's pushing it.

The last blog entry included a quote from Alice's diary. Around the time of that entry, she was also writing about something called the Master Key and a system toward helping improves one life. A little digging while I was reading through the collection of her papers unearthed that full reference to the book. I've looked it up and just discovered that it is the same book that they claim The Secret is founded upon and references. One pop-up advertisement claims it is even the very book that caused Bill Gates to drop out of school and start his company.

I shouldn't be surprised that Ms. Dunbar-Nelson was, once again, ahead of her times. I'm off to buy this book and check it for myself in just a moment.

Also, regarding that diary entry excerpt, I went to the very park and reservoir which she refers to. I traced her very steps. The reservoir is just as soothing and placid, though there were no stairs since construction was taking place on one side of it. I had to climb a couple enbankments to reach it. From there I went back down and sat on one of the benches. The benches were a bit modern, so they were in no way the very equipment on which she might have sat. And there were modern swings in a children's play area that no doubt post-date her diary entry.

It was wonderful to just sit there and try to imagine what she might have felt, what the scene might have been like at that time. I likewise visited the block on which her old home was located. Oddly enough, there was a single building from that era that remained entirely in tact. The neighborhood is now Wilmington, Delaware's civic center, but one lone building sat in the middle of a parking lot, dating back to the original sructures. She had lived at 916 French street for a while, this building was 914. It's a lawyer's office now.

More details of the book were presented to me through the research.

On the flight there, the first of the new Tera-mai Seichem Reiki symbols dropped into my consciousness. Zonar suddenly appeared in my mind's eye. On the plane ride back to Long Beach, I used this symbol to help clear out a lot of psychic debris. It was quite powerful to watch it do its work. Funny how the universe works.

I can see how uniquely appropriate and important it was that I use that symbol for the mental housecleaning. Reading through Alice's papers kicked up a lot of dust in my own mind. The more I study her, the more I learn about myself.

How amazing it is that the universe brought to me enough extra cash this summer to enable me to both take that trip and receive the new TeraMai-Seichem attunements that are coming in handy to help me with the process of writing this book.

I'm also sleeping with a Chrysanthemum Stone. These are credited with helping one find one's true path and to have the courage to live it.

One reader, wrote after reading the last entry that I should start not delay in starting this book. The encouragement she offered when I asked her to say more was invaluable. I think that sometimes, because I seem to go after what I want and to get it, my friends and family underestimate the value of their spoken support and encouragement to me.

I would love to be a writer. And by that I mean, to earn financial support enough to make that my primary contribution to the planet. For teachers, there is nothing so enticing as the security of that promised pension after 30 years of service. I have to be ever so careful to balance not leaving a sensible investment in my future with the pursuit of my dreams.

The funny thing is that Alice loved politics so much that she left her job one too many times to attend a rally and when she returned the new principal succeeded in having her fired. She never recovered from the loss of that steady income. She had taken it for granted and failed to appreciate in time that it was the means to her being able to do the many political, social and artistic activities she craved. Financially, she never quite recovered.

I'll plan on keeping my day job. In the meantime, I will put my heart and an equivalent of a sustained sweat into this writing business. Oh, and I'm off to buy this book Master Key book, too.

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