My maternal grandmother has been incredibly tired of late. Dehydrated, too. After spending three days in the hospital to recuperate and rest, she returned home exhausted from all the interruptions to check this tube and that medication. When I called the evening she returned home, she sounded somewhere between drunk and delirious from the exhaustion.
When I called to check on her a couple days later, she sounded more like herself. Chocolate and I went by to visit. For whatever reason, I'd never given her a reiki attunement.
Normally, I prefer to do reiki attunements with crystals selected just for that particular client and almost always include my moqui balls. It was an impromptu attunement. Fortunately, there was an amethyst and quartz point there given to her as gifts a couple years back.
Crystals under the chair, Chocolate laying at her feet, I swept her aura and then began to pray before the attunement. That's when I saw them in my mind's eye. It first looked like white light. It wasn't a solid white light. Not a beam nor a flood. It was fluid, undulating and composed of individual parts.
The feeling was of so many spirits. Ancestors would be my guess. They came to share, welcome, comfort, guide.
More like a welcoming than visiting team. They surrounded her like a wall. I was behind her and I felt them streaming in at her front and sides, a couple feet out from her body. Like brilliant stars dancing downward and then back up.

I wonder how long they've been visiting. Wonder what they're telling her about heaven.