Monday, September 17, 2007

Writing again, The spirit of words

I'm writing again. My muse is back.

I've recently had TeraMai Seichem Reiki attunements--three levels at once, on a single Sunday afternoon.

And I'm reading Dostoevsky's The Idiot.

Those three things are important to know as I share a tremendous experience from this evening. If you've ever seen an overdone Hollywood comedy that featured a scene at a black church where someone is overcome with emotion...something like that happened to me this evening as I finished the first part to Dostoevsky's novel.

Firstly, you need to know that there is a story that goes with the purchase of the novel. A ton of coincidences that culminated in my literally feeling like I was outside of my body when I bought this particular book. I walked through the bookstore feeling as if I was simultaneously walking in different dimensions. I only noticed as I "came back" to my usual bodily experience and had more than a couple moments where everyone else in the store and the store itself were experienced as if I were in a movie, but more like I was on the screen on which the movie were being projected and everyone walking around had no greater depth or dimension than the characters on a screen. Quite frankly, it was extremely cool.

So then there's the TeraMaiSeichem. Wow! Anytime you get Reiki attunements there's a 21-day cleansing cycle. The first week of it coincided with the first full week of the new school year. And did I mention that I chose to get three attunements on a single day??? As a contrast, last year's series were done over eight months and those who've kept up with the changes in my life during that time frame know they were significant and many. So, this time I attune to energies that are like moving up from local broadcast news to CNN. More depth, more intensity. Three at once. Last week was a bit emotional as well. Lots of old baggage coming up for tossing out. It's beautiful and wonderful, but I didn't want to cheat myself of experiencing it as it passed out so I sat with it all.

By Sunday, a whole week of initial cleansing behind me, I had finally made it through the most difficult part.

Part of the process, I've been writing a short story. It is both an exercise in creative writing as well as a tool I used to help process one piece of baggage that came up last week.

(I didn't come back to that one, but will post it in its incompleteness anyway.)

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